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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is your Deposit Requirement to reserve a puppy?

We only require a $200 deposit to reserve a puppy.  This deposit is part of the final price of the puppy not an addition to the final cost.  So if a puppy that costs $1,500 is reserved with a $200 deposit,  $1,300 would be due before the puppy goes home.

Is your Deposit to reserve a puppy refundable or transferable?

All of our deposits are completely nonrefundable.  On rare occasions a female may not get pregnant, may have an unusually small litter, may not cycle on time,  or may not have the sex or color of puppy you are looking for.  Because of this, the estimated timeline to receive a puppy could vary as there are so many factors to getting a litter of puppies successfully born.  Please keep this in mind before deciding to leave a deposit.  We will do our very best to get you a puppy as soon as we possibly can. Deposits are transferable two times for litters.  After the third set of puppies are offered to a family, and a puppy is still not chosen, they will be placed on the bottom of the reservation list to make it fair to all of the families on the list.  You cannot lose your deposit unless you no longer choose to adopt a puppy.  We will try our best to only offer families puppies that are fitting the description of what they are looking for.

If I leave a more than a $200 deposit. pay for the puppy in full or pay more for a puppy , can I get moved up the reservation list to get a puppy sooner.

We are not able to move families higher on our reservation list in order to get them a puppy sooner because they leave more money.  Most of our families have been waiting several months or more for a puppy, and are trusting us to get them a puppy in a fair order.  Therefore, we cannot, in good concience, put newer families before them.

What forms of payment do you accept for reserving a puppy and for final payment and shipping costs?

We accept cash, money order, paypal, person checks, or certified checks for deposits and final payments for puppies.  There is a 3% fee for any payment made using paypal.  If a puppy is being paid for with a personal check for the final payment and or shipping, it must be made two weeks in advance, even if that puppy is being picked up in person.

Do you offer a health guarantee?

Every puppy now comes with a three year health guarantee for any genetic issues.  A copy of our contract can be found on our sales contracts page.

Do you accept payments for puppies?

Payments for a puppy can be made before a puppy goes home but all puppies must be paid for completely before they go to their forever homes.

Do you require I have my puppy spayed or neutered?

We do require that every puppy that leaves our home be spayed or neutered by one year of age and proof be sent to us by 13 months of age.  Our puppies are intended to be family pets and not every breeder has their breeding dogs as part of their family too.   Spaying and neutering also cuts down on the risk of many cancers.  We do not beleive in early spay and neutering, therefore we do not fix our puppies before they go to their forever homes.  Large breed dogs need the hormones to grow their bones and joints correctly.  We are very strict about our spay/neuter policy.

Do you microchip your puppies?

All of our puppies and most of our adult dogs are free from microchips.  Some religions do not beleive in microchipping, and we want to accomodate anyone who would like to adopt a puppy from us.  Their are many organizations and vets that will microchip your dog for you if you would like it done.  It is very inexpensive.  Puppies that are shipped internationally, must have a microchip to leave and enter the country, therfore these pupppies will be microchipped before leaving our home.

If I can no longer keep my dog, can it be returned to you or will you help me rehome him/her?

Absolutely!  A dog that came from us can be returned at any point in its life.  We are realistic and know that sometimes life throws us curveballs and a dog may no longer be able to stay in your home.  We do want to know if you are unable to keep your puppy so that we can assist you in the rehoming of that dog.  We want to be apart of this proccess so that we know that the dog is going to a loving home again.

Do you ship your puppies?

We do ship puppies when needed.  We mostly use American Airlines.  The cost to ship a puppy at eight weeks of age is $350.  This price includes the airline fee, the airline approved travel crate, and the extra health certificate and exam the puppy needs in order to fly.  Older puppies cost more to ship as the price of the airline fee and travel crate increase.  Any puppy that is shipped needs to be paid for by seven weeks of age.

Do you offer international shipping?

We are now offering international shipping on most of our puppies.  Shipping costs for international shipping will be more than for domestic shipping.  Some countries require that the puppy be a minimum of four months old to enter their country.  We do require a boarding fee of $50 a week on any puppy who is here longer than two months of age to to cover extra time and incured vet fees.  This will be added to the cost of shipping itself that varys depending on location.  We do not ship to any countries to place puppies in quarantine for more than five days.  This is for the well being of the puppy.  Shipping to Canada is $450.

Is shipping safe for my puppy?

To date, we have not had any issues with the safety of shipping on our puppies.  Airlines are required to follow certain guidelines to keep animals safe when shipping them.  Puppies are not allowed to fly in temperatures below 20 degrees or above 85 degrees.  Puppies fly in cargo which is pressure and temperature controled.  Puppies are monitered constantly when on the ground.  If the layover for a flight is long enough,  the puppies are taken out of their crates to potty, eat, drink, and get played with.  It is not a stressful process for the puppy as it is not much different for them than being in a crate in the car.  They sleep most of their way there. 

Are your adult dogs healthy?

All of our breeding dogs are carefully chosen from healthy, long lived lines with histories of health testing.  If one of our dogs are not physically healthy or have an undesired temperment, they are not bred.  If they do not pass their health testing, they are not bred.  If one of our mother dogs does not recover quickley physically, or if they do not take to motherhood well, they are not bred again.  Our male dogs have proven to throw healthy puppies, for not only us, but also others who have used them for stud service.  There is a major problem in the country with dogs being brought to shelters because of health and temperment problems.  We do our very best not to add to this problem.  No breeder can guarantee every puppy will be perfect in both body and mind every time, but we sure can try to be as perfect as possible!


Do Bernedoodles Shed?

Bernedoodles are like any other doodle is this aspect.  They shed very minimally to not at all.  Curlier coated bernedoodles are less likely to shed than straighter haired ones.

I live in an area that gets very hot in the summer. Is it okay for me to own a Bernedoodle?

It can absolutely be fine to own a Bernedoodle in very warm climates, but special precautions should be taken if you do.  Bernedoodles, like Bernese Mountain Dogs, can overheat in hot weather because they have extremely thick coats.  Because of this we highly reccomend keeping your Bernedoodles coat short in hotter months and allow them constant access to water.  Air conditioning inside is great and they really enjoy a kiddy pool when they are outside to keep cool.  When cooler months come around, you will barely be able to get them back in the house though!

Do you raise F1b Bernedoodles?

At this time we only raise F1 Bernedoodles.  We are hoping to have our first litter is F1b's late in 2015 or 2016.

Do you raise Mini or Tiny Bernedoodles?

We will be introducing Mini Bernedoodles into our breeding plans sometime in 2015.  We will NOT be accepting any early deposits for these litters as we will be having a very limited number of Mini bernedoodle puppies and cannot, at this time, give an accurate time frame as to when these will be arriving.  We will only be accepting deposits after the babies are here.  We do not have any plans to raise tiny bernedoodles.

Do you ever have adult Bernedoodles available?

Our first litter of Bernedoodles were born almost nine years ago and none have been returned so we do not anticipate having any older bernedoodles available.

Do you have any Bernedoodle Puppies available right now?

Almost every one of our puppies are spoken for months before they are born.  We will, on occasion, have a baby available as some of our families leave a deposit a year or more before they want their new baby.  If we do have a puppy available, it will be listed on its litter page.

Can I request specific parents for my puppy?

We do not take requests for parents of our puppies.  Litters are carefully planned based off of what parents will complement each other best.  We are also always looking out for the welfare of our dogs and may choose not to have puppies from a specific mother/father again.  Therefore we do not make promises about who the parents of your puppy may be.

Do you allow visitors to see your puppies?

After a long and discussion between us and our vet, we have unfortunately come to the decision that we cannot allow visitors who are not choosing a puppy or picking up their puppy to come see the puppies.  Parvo has been out of control this year and we have to do everything we can to protect our puppies.  Many times when people come to see the puppies without having already reserved one, they have gone to see other litters as well.  If one of those other litters carried this devastating disease, it can be brought to my home and kill my puppies.  Pet stores and dog parks are also a place to pick up diseases.  This would be a terrible for not only the mother dog who is losing her babies, but also for the families who are already in love with their baby as all of our litters are spoken for before they are born.  It could also cause us to postpone having any more litters for more than a year.  Parvo is almost always fatal in puppies but it can also affect adult dogs making them sick and even causing the dog to abort.  We have not even taken our dogs or puppies to the vet clinic for the past two years because sick dogs go to the vet.  Our vet is wonderful and she either comes to our home or we go to hers for all vaccinations and exams.  We hate that we have to do this, but we have to do everything in our power to protect our babies and the families who decide to adopt a puppy from us.  We are more than happy to send pictures and videos of where our puppies are kept.  Thank you for understanding and hopefully, over the next year or two, if instances of parvo go down, we can again open our home to visitors as that has always been one of the best parts of raising puppies.

The website says that a litter has just been bred for. If I were to be getting a puppy from that litter, how long before I would be able to take my new baby home?

We will update the website as soon as a female has come into heat.  They are bred, on average, two weeks after their heat begins.  They are pregnant anywhere from 56 to 65 days but average about 62 days.  After the puppies are born, they stay with us until they are eight weeks old.

What kind of food should I be feeding my puppy?

We always reccomend a large breed puppy food for a bernedoodle whether they are mini or standard sized.  Large breed foods have the correct balance of nutrients to keep large breed dogs healthy and from growing too quickely which can lead to joint or bone problems.  We reccomend that puppies be weaned on to adult food by 5 months old.  We also reccomend feeding your dog at least twice a day to lower the risk for occurances of bloat.

Are Bernedoodles prone to health issues?

Every purebred or mixed breed of dog has its own set of health issues that may develop.  By combing the two breeds, we greatly lower the occurances of health issues.  However, bernedoodles like any other living creature, can have health problems.  Both the Bernese and Standard poodle are genetically prone to Vwd, PRA, and DM.  Luckily there are tests for all of these diseases so there is no reason that any puppy should be afflicted with one of these problems.  No puppy from us will ever develop one of these problems (by carrying two genes of this disease) as we health test our parents for all of these problems.  Both breeds are predisposed to develop hip and elbow dysplasia, and ligament cruciate disease.  Unfortunatley there is no genetic test for any of these diseases and genetics only play a small role in the liklihood of these problems happening.  We can do our part as breeders by testing our adult dogs for these diseases and if they have any of these problems, not breed them.  It is important to keep in mind that just because a parent dog does not have one of these problems, doesent mean the their puppy wont.  There are just too many other factors that go into the health of a dog to completely eliminate these problems.

I am not sure about whether I want a mini bernedoodle or standard bernedoodle. Are there differences in health conditions each are prone too?

We will always reccomend the standard bernedoodle as the healthiest most well rounded option for every family.  Mini bernedoodles are very sweet and do not usually have any more health problems than the standard sized.  The requirements to allow them to live a healthy, long life are a little pickier though.  It is important that they are not over exercised due to their shorter legs.  We do not reccomend them for joggers or hikers.  They can be more prone to hip and elbow problems.  They must always be kept fit as well.  Being overweight can cause serious strain on their joints, and because they are less active, they can become overweight easily.  They do require a family that is vigilant in making sure they are always kept fit.

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We maintain the right to refuse sale to anyone we do not feel comfortable placing a puppy with for any reason.  This right also extends to people who have already left a deposit with us, in which this is the only case that a deposit will be refunded.  We want only the best for our babies and if we believe you may not be a fit home for one of our babies for any reason, we will exercise this right.  Thank you for understanding.

Copyright 2013 Kandissweetpuppies.

Bernedoodle, Bernedoodle Puppy, Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder, 

This site and all of its contents are property of Kandi's Sweet Bernedoodle Puppies.  

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