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Page Five

From time to time we will add what some of the families who have adopted puppies from us have been saying about their new babies.  We love to hear how they are doing!

Hi Kandi,


It looks like you are going to be busy shortly with a lot of puppies being born! We brought home Maya in July 2014 (baby girl (red) from the Audi litter born May 9, 2014). You said when we picked her up that she was one of the happiest puppies you have seen, and she continues to have that great personality. She is always wagging her tail and loves to cuddle. She loves her big brother, our 7 year old Golden Retriever, and is always trying to get him to play! We have enjoyed her so very much and want to thank you for her! We had her spayed in November and I remembered you wanted proof of that. I have attached a picture of our vet bill for her surgery- is that sufficient or do you want a hard copy of it? I attached some picture of her- one of her late summer and two recent ones after her haircut! Thanks again!


The Meyer family


Just wanted to say hi! 
Loving Dakota every second of the day! She is my baby & more spoiled then the children! 
Here r a few pics!
She plays with all the toys!
She is truly the most amazing dog!
Hope ur well & all the new puppies r doing great!
She is 58lbs & almost 10months....perfect size but guessing she will get a little bigger!


Hi! Hope all is well!
Dakota is doing great! The most adorable pup in the world! 
She was spayed about 2 weeks ago & all went really well. Of course I was a nervous wreck dropping her off. 
Hope ur keeping warm, so sorry about all that snow!
She is about 50 lbs now!
Take care & thanks for bringing so much puppy ❤️ to our family! We don't know what it was like before her!

Cassiano Family


Hi Kandi, Raven is growing so fast. I am attaching some pictures that I took today on one of many walks. She learning fast  but Karen may not survive the puppy play biting LOL. We took her to the vet last week and they said she is doing very well.

I start puppy school with her next week. This should be exciting.

e hope all is well with you and we thank you again for such a perfect companion for us.

Latham Family


Hanging out with me at work today.  She has been such a joy to have around.  Super anxious to start puppy classes soon.  :)


Hartzell Family


This Puppies Name is Nora and she will soon be starting on the path to becoming a therapy dog!  We are so proud!


Passed with flying colors.  We are relocating to Oregon.  Very excited ad Nora really loves the outdoors and will have many activities for her to do, plus know the director of an amazing training facility whom also does crisis response training for dog and owner teams.  Nora has been such a blessing to all that meet her. 




Growing like a weed.

Crocker Family


Hi there.  Thought I would send you a couple of pictures of the rugrat.  He is 50 lbs and growing fast!


Such a good natured dog and so smart.  We just love him!




Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hi Kandi,

We’ve been having a blast raising Lily.  She’s 9 months now and over 60 pounds.  She a complete people puppy and super smart (we were especially excited about her getting potty-trained in a week and a half!).  Thanks again!

Below is Lily’s medical history from the vet.  Around page 3 shows the invoice from her spay visit.  Not sure exactly what you need for the proof of spay, but hopefully this is sufficient.  I’ve also attached a few photos.


Wilson Family
Lily (November 10th, 2013)


Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hi Kandi,
Just thought you might like to see an updated picture of Bernie. We picked him up the day after Christmas. He was born 11/10/13.
Bernie is doing really well! He is weighing in at 58 pounds and growing. He is definitely a conversation starter. It makes it difficult to walk him because we're always being stopped and asked what kind of dog he is. He loves playing with the kids. Bernie and Garrett have a special bond. When Garrett was sick he curled right up with him.
Thank you so much for bringing him into our lives:)


Brockman Family


Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder


I wanted to update you on the antics of our baby, Zorro. What a great addition to our family he is! He is almost 25 pounds now, and growing so fast. He's healthy and playful, loves people, follows us from room to room, and still cuddles in our laps. He is retrieving toys now, and sits for treats. He's walking (bouncing like Tigger) on a leash for short walks. I'll send pictures soon- he rarely holds still long enough for me to capture some. Vicky will be home this weekend and we have some family coming over to meet him so there will be tons of pictures!

Thanks- we are head over heals in love with him!



Here's a picture of Vicky and Zorro today. I. Don't know who loves who more,
More pictures soon. He has a vet appointment in a few days. I can't wait to see how big he is now!



Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hey Kandi!

I just wanted to update you on our fur baby, Cooley. I can't believe he's been home with us for two months now.

He's 25 pounds now and just the sweetest and most laid back puppy. He is really eager to please and incredibly food motivated. He loves snuggling, playing fetch and chewing his bully sticks.

He has been a dream to train - the kennel was no problem and he was house broken within a few weeks. We take him to doggy daycare a couple days a week, and he does great there! We get a lot of compliments on his look as well as his temperament.

We are head over heels for him. Thank you!!! 

Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hey Kandi,

Here's some 6 month pictures of Cooley. He's over 50 pounds! We just graduated from puppy school and he was a dream during it. He is so motivated by food that he will do anything for a treat. He loves going to doggy daycare and the dog park. He gets a lot of compliments for being very cute, sweet and playful. We absolutely adore our big furball. :)

Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hi Kandi,


I hope your doing well! Your babies are adorable on instagram. I look forward to your posts each time.

Our baby is big and still sweet as can be. I can't believe he'll he one in February. Time really does fly when you're having fun. Now that he's coming up one, Will and I have started seriously talking about a puppy #2. We've always wanted to be a two dog family and have a companion for Cooley.

I was writing to see how of a timeline it is  for a male puppy. We're not picky on color, just want another sweet baby!

Hope to hear from you soon!

PS attached are the latest Cooley photos!

Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hey Kandi,

Here's another picture of Cooley and Benjamin! They adore each other. Cooley may be the sweetest dog with babies!  Cooley is also rocking his summer cut. We get him buzzed real short since he spends so much time outside here. It's always an adjustment but by fall his long hair is back and so beautiful! 

Hey Kandi,

I can't believe Cooley turned two on February 13th. He is our 80 pound goofball. He also became a big brother on the 18th! He has been amazing. He just wants to be near the baby or lick the baby. During tummy time, he is laying right there with baby. He is such a family dog. We didn't think we could love him anymore then we do!

Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hey Kandi,


Just wanted to share two pictures of Cooley and Ben. They are as thick as thieves! Cooley is so sweet and patient with B, even though he has had his fair share of fur being grabbed, toys being snatched and sleep disturbed. He's such a perfect and sweet dog..


Which brings us to our next question: how long is your waitlist currently for another regular size Bernedoodle? And how much is the deposit? We'd love to grow our family by one more Kandi baby.


Also, congratulations on your new grandbaby! My parents swear being grand parents is the best gift of all!



Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hi Kandi,


I hope this email finds you and your family doing very well!


It is hard to believe that Daisy turned 1 on July 22nd.  She is doing great and she is one fantastic Pup !!! 


She has the absolute best disposition and personality in the world. We have attached a picture from her one year party !!!


We could not imagine life without her !!


Ted and Teri Cruse


Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Niemand is on the left and Benji is on the right. They are the most perfect companions and family members. Will keep you posted as they grow. Thank you for these babies!!! We love them to the moon and back!

Radhika and Craig 


Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

I know this is about 2 months old - it has been a crazy few months.  I wanted to send you some pictures of the first time my kids met Messi.  It was love at first sight!!  Thank you so much!!

Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Dear Kandi, I just wanted to share with you how amazing our big girl is and thank you for breeding such a great dog.  We have had a lot of dogs and many different breeds and she is just the best.  She is growing like a weed.  It feels like she grows every time we take her out of her crate.  She is about 40 + lbs.  I just wanted to share how great she is doing.

Thank you,

Erin Rice

Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Our Bear is growing so fast.... we can’t seem to get enough of sweet ,funny, and sooooo smart. Closing in on almost five months, he now weighs 40lbs.... going to be a big boy☺️....thought you might enjoy an update...
 Merry Christmas to you and your family..🎄💜

Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hi Kandi,

I wanted to update you on Sullivan! He is four months now and is 30 pounds! He is full of life and loves to cuddle. He has quite the personality and gets greeted by everyone he meets on our walks! Sully enjoys stuffed animals and sticks more than anything else. He is adored by my husband and I! We love him so much!! Can't imagine life before him now.

The Phillips Family

Hi Kandi,  I wanted to update you on our precious Molly.  She had her spay surgery on 2/19/16. I an sending a photo of the bill. If this is not enough I can copy and mail it to you.    Molly is just about 11 Months now and she weighs 52 lbs.  She is so sweet and couldn't be any happier!   She loves everyone and everything!  She is so friendly and as a result of continued obedience training  is a joy to take anywhere.  It's difficult to get good pics of her face because she is so black, but believe me,  she is sooo  cute!  Your guess was right on. She has grey socks  like Audi.     I see you are expecting a litter of Bernese.  Are they spoken for?    We have been talking about getting a Bernese pup . I didn't realize you  also sold them or I would have inquired sooner.   I'm sending a couple of pics of Molly.   Susan

Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

Hi Kandi!!!


It was so good to finally meet you yesterday! We are so in LOVE with our girl.

I can't believe I forgot to tell you her name, it's C.C. short for Calypso Cinderella.😄 Can you tell a 4 year old had to have a say in naming her?!

She is truly incredible, her first night she did great in her crate and is fitting in right away. Following Niamh my oldest a around everywhere!

I've attached a video and a few pictures, she's a hard one to get a picture of never sits still, lol!



We will keep in touch!

Thank you again for everything


-the Klein Family


Hi Kandi and family!

Just wanted to send you a CC (Calypso Cinderella) update. She is growing so fast! She is an absolute dream pup minus the teething stage we are still going through, she is so loving, so smart, so good with the girls. We could not love her more!

At just under 17 weeks she is probably around 27-30 pounds. Our vet and groomer are also in love with her, both have said they wish they could keep her and will be looking in to a Bernedoodle pup for their next family pet.
Attached are a few pics! Thanks so much for our furbaby.💜

CC and the Klein family

Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder
Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder

We maintain the right to refuse sale to anyone we do not feel comfortable placing a puppy with for any reason.  This right also extends to people who have already left a deposit with us, in which this is the only case that a deposit will be refunded.  We want only the best for our babies and if we believe you may not be a fit home for one of our babies for any reason, we will exercise this right.  Thank you for understanding.

Copyright 2013 Kandissweetpuppies.

Bernedoodle, Bernedoodle Puppy, Bernedoodle Puppies, Bernedoodle Breeder, 

This site and all of its contents are property of Kandi's Sweet Bernedoodle Puppies.  

All Rights Reserved

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