Hi Kandi,
It looks like you are going to be busy shortly with a lot of puppies being born! We brought home Maya in July 2014 (baby girl (red) from the Audi litter born May 9, 2014). You said when we picked her up that she was one of the happiest puppies you have seen, and she continues to have that great personality. She is always wagging her tail and loves to cuddle. She loves her big brother, our 7 year old Golden Retriever, and is always trying to get him to play! We have enjoyed her so very much and want to thank you for her! We had her spayed in November and I remembered you wanted proof of that. I have attached a picture of our vet bill for her surgery- is that sufficient or do you want a hard copy of it? I attached some picture of her- one of her late summer and two recent ones after her haircut! Thanks again!
The Meyer family

Just wanted to say hi!
Loving Dakota every second of the day! She is my baby & more spoiled then the children!
Here r a few pics!
She plays with all the toys!
She is truly the most amazing dog!
Hope ur well & all the new puppies r doing great!
She is 58lbs & almost 10months....perfect size but guessing she will get a little bigger!

Hi! Hope all is well!
Dakota is doing great! The most adorable pup in the world!
She was spayed about 2 weeks ago & all went really well. Of course I was a nervous wreck dropping her off.
Hope ur keeping warm, so sorry about all that snow!
She is about 50 lbs now!
Take care & thanks for bringing so much puppy ❤️ to our family! We don't know what it was like before her!
Cassiano Family

Hi Kandi, Raven is growing so fast. I am attaching some pictures that I took today on one of many walks. She learning fast but Karen may not survive the puppy play biting LOL. We took her to the vet last week and they said she is doing very well.
I start puppy school with her next week. This should be exciting.
e hope all is well with you and we thank you again for such a perfect companion for us.
Latham Family

Hanging out with me at work today. She has been such a joy to have around. Super anxious to start puppy classes soon. :)
Hartzell Family
This Puppies Name is Nora and she will soon be starting on the path to becoming a therapy dog! We are so proud!
Passed with flying colors. We are relocating to Oregon. Very excited ad Nora really loves the outdoors and will have many activities for her to do, plus know the director of an amazing training facility whom also does crisis response training for dog and owner teams. Nora has been such a blessing to all that meet her.